Supporting ApplyOnline on the go

Get one-tap access to your business with the new ApplyOnline app


Track and manage all your loan applications in one place.
Available now for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

Track all milestones and events in a single feed

Access a consolidated view of your portfolio

Receive comprehensive updates at each stage of the loan process

Search for a specific application in your pipeline

‘Favourite’ key applications to quickly track their progress

Manage push notifications for real-time status updates and events

Frequently Asked Questions

If your Broker Group has pre-registered you:
  1. Download the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store
  2. Once downloaded, open the app and register your mobile number and select 'Send confirmation code'
  3. Enter the confirmation code (received via SMS) and select 'Login'
If you are not pre-registered:
  1. Download the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store
  2. Once downloaded, open the app and register your mobile number and select 'Send confirmation code'
  3. Enter the confirmation code (received via SMS) and select 'Login'
  4. Now you need to link your ApplyOnline app login(s). Go to your desktop and login to your ApplyOnline Broker Centre
  5. Go to 'User Account' then 'Your Settings', and click 'Link my ApplyOnline identity' and enter your mobile number
  6. You're finished. You will now be able to see your pipeline in the ApplyOnline app

*If you do not have access to 'Your Settings' in ApplyOnline desktop, please contact your Broker Group for instructions.

There is no cost for the ApplyOnline app. The app is a part of your ApplyOnline service.

Yes. During the two-step verification process you will need to obtain the verification code from the mobile connected device to proceed.

The ApplyOnline app retrieves real-time live data from ApplyOnline. It will therefore use your wireless network or your mobile phone network to access the web. If you opt to receive real-time notifications, the background processing will also use a small amount of data.

To view your entire pipeline you will need to link your mobile phone to all the ApplyOnline accounts you use (i.e. your aggregator ApplyOnline). Please go to each instance of ApplyOnline and link your mobile phone under 'User Account' in 'Your Settings'. The ApplyOnline app will show all active applications. However, if the application was declined, settled, cancelled or withdrawn, the history is limited to 3 months. Should you wish to view an inactive application more than 3 months old, please refer to the full version of ApplyOnline.

No. The ApplyOnline app currently provides visibility of pipeline and the ability to change status update settings. You cannot make changes to individual loans at this time.

No. The current version of the ApplyOnline app allows you to track applications that have been entered by your own login(s) only.

You can favourite an application from the ‘Loan Portfolio’ or ‘Activity Timeline’ screens by simply tapping on the ‘star’ next to the application.

Please contact your Aggregator or lender BDM to determine if the ApplyOnline app is available to you.

The ApplyOnline app will show all active applications. However if the application was declined, settled, cancelled or withdrawn, the history is limited to 3 months. Should you wish to view an inactive application more than 3 months old please refer to the full version of ApplyOnline.

This means that you are yet to link your mobile number in any of your ApplyOnline accounts. Go to your desktop and login to your ApplyOnline Broker Centre. Go to 'User account' then 'Your Settings', and click ‘Link my ApplyOnline identity’ and enter your mobile number. You will then proceed past the set up screens within the ApplyOnline app.

Please check you have linked the correct ApplyOnline login(s). If the application was lodged by someone else in your office under a different login the details will not be seen. If the application is greater than 3 months old and inactive (i.e. declined, settled, cancelled or withdrawn) please refer to the full version of ApplyOnline.

At this time, the ApplyOnline app is not available on Windows phones.



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If you experience technical difficulties, please contact your Broker Group who can raise a Help ticket with NextGen

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